Tentative program for Training School “Cell-based assays to study Adhesion GPCR function"

When: June 28th - 30th, 2023

Where: Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden

Link for registration: https://forms.gle/BJyRbyjSLAbqEFS99

Confirmed Trainers & Topics:

  • Prof. Ines Liebscher, Universität Leipzig - Methods to study tethered agonist-mediated aGPCR activation and interaction with ECM components
  • Prof. Evi Kostenis, Universität Bonn - Label-free technologies to investigate whole-cell GPCR signaling
  • Prof. Miriam Stoeber, Université de Genève - Optical approaches to study compartmentalized GPCR signaling
  • Dr. Hannes Schihada, Universität Marburg - Development and application of conformational GPCR biosensors
  • Dr. Lukas Grätz, Karolinska Institutet - Optical assays to study small molecule-GPCR interaction

Organizers and Contacts for questions:


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